Stacking:Your Skeletal Blueprint for Posture

Stacking: Your Skeletal Blueprint for Posture is the contribution of medical exercise specialists Debbie and Norman Compton’s combined 80 years in the Health and Fitness World. Using science and common sense as their foundation, Debbie and Norm put together the most comprehensive way of getting your posture back, and keeping it, as we age. Using a construction theme, the Compton’s take all 206 of your bones and teach you how to build your frame. Starting from your feet and moving up, naming the important ligaments, tendons, and muscles along the way, Debbie and Norm describe which parts of your body serve as the workhorses and the glue that keeps you together.

They believe everyone should be thinking from the “bones out” and not from the mirror in.

What Is Stacking…


noun: to build an orderly pile.

verb: – focusing on creating and keeping proper body mechanics.

Stacking is a series of assessments and exercises establishing priorities of where to start your journey to structural health and durability.

When used regularly, these techniques teach the communication between the bones and the muscles that control them. Stacking creates posture in motion.

Turning Fitness Inside Out

Deb & Norm Compton have taken their experience and developed a system called Stacking, for a stronger skeletal frame. Focusing on your frame as the first step will change your approach to fitness. The Compton’s say “Stacking, puts the X Factor in posture & recovery!”

The Posture Mechanics

The Compton’s teach Perfect Posture Mechanics. This leads to an awareness of your body all day, in and out of the gym. It starts from getting out of bed, walking, reaching overhead – whether from a chair, car or just getting up off the floor. If proper mechanics are not integrated into these constant daily movements, the challenge on your balance and joints will become pain.

Placing the Bones in their Pocket

Stacking is a series of assessments which will lead to the prescription of exercises that establish priorities of where to start your journey to structural health & durability. When used regularly, this technique of placing the bones in their pockets teaches communication between your skeletal structure and the muscles that control it. Stacking allows posture in motion.

Reset your body throughout the day

In their book, they explain why the wall is the best place to establish what standing straight feels like. They teach the importance of communication between you and your structure which needs to stay in your optimal upright position at all times. This is resetting your body.

Make your work days your workouts

Learning to do every movement throughout your day with intent on body mechanics is a workout! How many times during the day do you get up from a seated position, 10 or 15? Each one of these is an opportunity to do a perfect squat. Stacking will guide you into establishing perfect body mechanics used in your movements throughout your day. Stacking turns everyday activities into your workout.

The Systems of our Body

The human body is a fascinating structure. We carry around eleven systems that live separately but depend on one another for the body to function. A few you will recognize are the muscular-skeletal, nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. The focus of this book is the top of the list, the muscular-skeletal system.